Lives and works in Attappady, Kerala, India (since 2010)

Current Works

Criminal Tribes Act, Zürcher Theater Spektakel (2017)

INDIKA, Münchner Volkstheater (2017)

Artistic Director of International Theatre Festival of Kerala (2015–2016)


International Ibsen Scholarship, Skien, Norway (2013)
Pro Helvetia studio residency, Zurich (2011)

Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar, New Delhi (2011)

First Works

The Water Station, Premiere in Bangalore (2012), latest performance in Kyoto (2016)

Sahyande Makan – The Elephant Project, Thiruvananthapuram (2008)

Quick Death, New Delhi (2007)


Artist (since 2000, age 21)


Diploma in Intercultural theatre, Intercultural Theatre Institute, Singapore (2004–2006)
Calicut University School of Drama and Fine Arts, Thrissur (1999–2002)
Graduation studies in Physics (did not complete), St. Josephs College Devagiri, Calicut (1997–1999)

St. Josephs College Devagiri, Calicut (1995–1996)
CCPLMAIHS, Ernakulam (1992–1994)
Matha Nagar School (1989–1991)
Matha school, Alleppy (1987–1988)
Ajay school Perambra (1985–1986)

Mother: Highschool teacher
Father: Bank manager
Older Sister: Lecturer in college

Dream job as a child: Train driver
Dream job as a teenager: Ship's captain

Historical Event

Demolition of the Babri Masjid in Uttar Pradesh by Hindu nationalist groups, which triggered riots all over India, leading to around 2000 deaths (6. December 1992)

Further Information

Theatre Roots & Wings

Mats Staub, Sandra Gysi, Zurich, 31.08.2017