Kairo, 31. Mai 1973

«These 3 months for me have added up to something else. I never knew I would come to care for somebody, anybody, like this, as I do for you. And I have had girlfriends, told everylody I was a confirmed bachelor, and in general terms led a life without a care or thought for the future, no question of ‹settling down› ever entered my mind.»

Bombay, 29. Dezember 1973

«You are very precious, very dear, very beautiful, very charming, very curvaceous, very smooth, very statuesque, very adoring, very flattering, very sensible, very accommodating, very pleasant, very graceful, very hardworking, very lovable, very attractive, very arousing, very virtuous, very keen, very smart, Roswitha darling. You are a wonderful, kissable, lickable, likeable, biteable, crushable, companionable, complete woman. I can’t decide whether you are intelligent, for one way you must be to love me, but on the other hand because you do, you may not be intelligent, you must be mad to love me, a worthless, chainsmoking, drunkard, lazy bum. But I love you and desire you more than anything else.»

Abu Dhabi, 27. Februar 1974

«So far I have only answered the central question in your letter expressing your doubt about the validity of my love for you. Darling, of one thing to be sure, whatever you have heard in Air India of my life, don’t take it at face value, for gossip and rumor is mixed up with facts. Trust me, I do love you, you and nobody else. You are the only person I want in this life and always. The next and any more lives that might follow. Never ever do I want to be separated from you.»

Singapur, 02. Juli 1977

«How has your vacation been? How is Siddhartha faring, has he fallen into one of the canals as yet? I miss both of you so much already and there is such a long wait ahead. It is so lonely in the flat, that it is depressing. I spend most of the time reading, odd jobs around the flat, airing the clothes, etc. But it still does not keep my mind away from you both.»

Bombay, 16. Mai 1980

«Your letter dated 7th arrived only a couple of days ago. Though your first letter written long after you were in Austria was also posted much after your writing, if according to the post mark. Don’t you think I get worried with the three I love 5000 miles away and skiing and you with a bad knee. You know how I normally spend my days, so there is hardly anything for me to write, but the three of you away and in action, I most certainly am interested in what’s happening. You should write more frequently. You are quite a letter writer and you spend so much time in Bombay writing letters to everybody, I am sure you could write more frequently to me.»

Gelesen von:

Arvind Soni



Die Österreicherin Roswitha und der Inder Rama waren beide Flugbegleiter bei Air India und haben sich dort kennen gelernt. Sie haben sich jeweils auf Flügen oder überall auf der Welt getroffen, wo sie gerade ‹stationiert› waren. Sie haben später geheiratet und ein Kind bekommen (Siddharta), Roswitha ist nach Bombay gezogen und jeweils auf Schiurlaub nach Österreich gefahren. 1982 ist Rama bei einem Flugzeugunglück gestorben.