
In Intimate Revolution a local café, a theatre bar or a party boat is transformed into a wine bar. Serving staff show visitors to their seats and take their orders. The menu offers a small, curated selection of quality wines (and non-alcoholic drinks) together with twelve accounts of sexual biographies. In the first section of the evening listeners can choose two longer stories and then, after the interval, another two shorter ones. From ‘Shirin, 19’ to ‘Annemarie, 70’, each one is presented with a quotation and a few keywords, and each table must agree on a single menu. The serving staff will then deliver the order to the table on an iPod, everyone puts on their headphones and there is silence in the room for a good 45 minutes: everyone listens for themselves but can also observe the others listening and sense how their neighbours at the table are reacting.

Though sex is omnipresent in the media, talking about it honestly and accurately is rare. In this long-term project, the author and director Anna Papst and Mats Staub have looked for people whose sex lives have undergone an abrupt change and who want to reflect and talk about this. Many of those taking part did so only on condition that they remain entirely unrecognised. In these cases, Mats Staub edited a raw audio version down from sometimes hours of stories that Anna Papst then condensed into a text which would be rerecorded, voiced by a speaker of a similar age. Since the work was first presented, visitors to the audio wine bar have also taken part and their stories can be heard in their own voices, with the menu becoming more varied from one location to the next.



Concept, Direction

Anna Papst & Mats Staub


Luana Paladino


Robert Baranowski, Thomas Douglas, Silke Geertz, Carolin Jakoby, Florentine Krafft, Agnes Lampkin, Kilian Land, Emily Magorrian, Elayne Phillips, Ursula Reiter, Suly Röthlisberger, Carina Thurner, Beren Tuna, Ondrej Vidlar, Lea Whitcher

Recording, Editing, Mastering

Philip Bartels

Interviews, Texts

Anna Papst

Interviews, Montage

Mats Staub


Nina Bade


David Tushingham


Franz Schubert (Piano: Philip Bartels)

Graphic Design

Studio Krispin Heé (Krispin Heé, Tim Wetter)

Production Management

Katharina Rückl, Zoë Hars, Barbara Simsa


Kristina Marlen, Alexander Hahne, Jessica Sigerist

Produced by


Co-Produced by

Ruhrtriennale, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, Kaserne Basel, Kleintheater Luzern

Funded by

Stadt Zürich Kultur, Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur, Migros Zürich
