Death and Birth in My Life
Ravenna, Polis Teatro Festival
9.–12. May 2024 -
Intimate Revolution
Frankfurt, Mousonturm
11.–17. April 2024 -
Intimate Revolution
Chur, Theater Chur
13.–16. March 2024Holidays
St. Gallen, Hochschule St. Gallen, Square
12.–30. March 2024Now & Now
Bochum, Ruhrtriennale
24. August–23. September 2023Intimate Revolution
Basel, Kaserne
2.–5. May 2023Intimate Revolution
Lucerne, Kleintheater
26.–29. April 2023Holidays
St. Gallen, Hochschule St. Gallen, Square
13. December 2022–10. February 2023My Grandparents
Rapperswil, Kunst(Zeug)Haus
21. August–23. October 2022Intimate Revolution
Zürich, Zürcher Theater Spektakel
23.–30. August 2022Intimate Revolution
Bochum, Ruhrtriennale
12.–20. August & 8.–17. September 2022Death and Birth in My Life
Cividale del Friuli, Mittelfest
23.–31. July 2022Death and Birth in My Life (Livingroom Edition)
Santarcangelo, Santarcangelo Festival
9.–17. July 2022Death and Birth in My Life
Milano, Zona K
26. May–11. June 2022Death and Birth in My Life (Livingroom Edition)
Munich, Spielart Festival
11. October–6. November 2021Death and Birth in My Life
Dublin, Dublin Theatre Festival
10.–15. October 202121 (Complete Edition)
Bochum, Ruhrtriennale
15. August–25. September 2021Death and Birth in My Life
Bern, Museum of Communication
1. April–30. May 2021Death and Birth in My Life (Livingroom Edition)
Basel, Kaserne / Living room Edition
18. January–28. March 2021Death and Birth in My Life
Makhanda, Monument Gallery
25. November–2. December 2020Death and Birth in My Life
Chur, Theater Chur
31. October–11. November 2020Death and Birth in My Life
Groningen, Noorderzomerprogramma
12.–23. August 2020Death and Birth in My Life
Avignon, Festival d'Avignon
3.–22. July 2020 (Édition Annulée)Death and Birth in My Life
Salzburg Museum
Special Edition in the frame of '100 Years Salzburg Festival'
26. July 2020–31. October 2021Death and Birth in My Life
Makhanda, Virtual National Arts Festival
25. June–5. July 2020Death and Birth in My Life
Basel, Kaserne
18.–20. January 202021
Dresden, Hellerau–Europäisches Zentrum der Künste
10. January–9. February 202021
Strasbourg, Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg Scène Europénne
23. November–21. December 2019Death and Birth in My Life
Frankfurt, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
20.–28. November & 12.–18. December 201921 / My Other Life
Madrid, Conde Duque
15. November 2019–26. January 2020Death and Birth in My Life
Munich, Spielart Festival
25. October–9. November 201921 (VR-Edition)
Kinshasa, Young Congo Biennale
20. October–21. November 201921
Munich, Spielart Festival
15. October–3. November 2019Death and Birth in My Life
Manchester, SICK! Festival / The Whitworth
18. September–5. October 2019Intégrale Mats Staub
Paris, Centre culturel suisse
13. September–6. October 201921
Edinburgh Festival Fringe / Summerhall (Swiss Selection Edinburgh)
2.–25. August 2019Death and Birth in My Life
Perg, Festival der Regionen
28. June–7. July 2019Death and Birth in My Life
Hannover, Festival Theaterformen
20.–30. June 2019Death and Birth in My Life
Basel, Kaserne
6.–8. June 201921 (VR-Edition)
Lubumbashi, Centre d'art Waza
21. May–10. June 2019Holidays
Pfäffikon, Vögele Kultur Zentrum
19. May–22. September 201921
Frankfurt, Historisches Museum
22. November 2018–14. April 201921
Mannheim, Nationaltheater Mannheim
28. September–28. October 2018Artist (working title)
Johannesburg, Artivist / Terms of Engagement
5. September–13. October 201821
Weimar, Kunstfest Weimar / Bibliothek der Bauhaus-Universität
17. August–22. September 201821
Fribourg, Festival Belluard Bollwerk International
28. June–7. July 201821 / My Other Life / Holidays
Lausanne, Théâtre Vidy, Festival 'programme commun'
14.–25. March 201821
Adelaide, Adelaide Festival
2.–18. March 2018Artist (working title)
Basel, Crossroads–International perspectives on culture, art and society
8.–10. February 2018Ten Important Events In My Life
Vienna, Worldmuseum Vienna
in the premantent exhibition ‹World In Motion›
from 27. October 201721
Bloemfontein, University of the Free State
16.–27. October 2017Diez momentos en mi vida
Santiago de Chile, Bienal de Artes Mediales
7. October–5. November 2017Diez momentos en mi vida
Buenos Aires, Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires (FIBA)
5.–21. October 2017Career Paths
Winterthur, Museum Schaffen
15.–17. September 2017My Other Life
Alpbach, European Forum Alpbach
18. August–1. September 201721
Zürich, Zürcher Theaterspektakel
17.–21. August 201721
Johannesburg, The Market Photo Workshop
5. July–8. August 201721
Cape Town, District Six Museum
ASSITEJ World Congress & South African International Documentary Film Festival
19. May–28. June 2017Ten Important Events In My Life
Dresden, Deutsches Hygienemuseum
in the permant exhibition ‹Leben und Sterben›
from 15. February 201721
Basel, University
October 2016Holidays
Biel, Nacht der 1000 Fragen
October 201621
Groningen, Noorderzon Festival
August 2016Holidays
Zürich, Helferei
June–October 2016When Did You Stop Being a Child?
Zürich, Schauspielhaus Zürich & Festival Blickfelder
February–June 201621
Freiburg, Theater Freiburg
March 2016Holidays
Baden, ThiK
February–March 2016Ten Important Events In My Life / Holidays
Basel, Universitätsspital (Kaserne on the move)
October 2015My Other Life
Rom, Short Theatre Festival
September 2015Ten Important Events In My Life
Weimar, Kunstfest Weimar
August 2015My Other Life
Hannover, Festival Theaterformen
Juliy 2015My Other Life / Holidays
Fribourg, Festival Belluard Bollwerk International
June 201521
Vienna, Wiener Festwochen
May–June 2015Ten Important Events In My Life / Holidays
Stuttgart, insight / Haus der Katholischen Kirche
May–June 201521
Basel, Museum der Kulturen
October 2014–Mai 2015Holidays
Lugano, FIT Festival
October 201421
Weimar, Kunstfest Weimar
August–September 2014Ten Important Events In My Life
Braunschweig, Festival Theaterformen
June 201421
Zürich, Gessnerallee
March–May 2014Ten Important Events In My Life
Frankfurt, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
February 2014BackNext